Sobre os Eventos

Connecting Professionals, Driving Editorial Innovations

The II Meeting of Journals in Information Science of Mercosur (ERCIM) and the I International Forum of Editors of Scientific Journals (FIERCI) explore new perspectives and challenges regarding scientific publishing. Here you will find essential information about what motivates us, the structure of both events, and how they can become a transformative experience for all participants. Join us on this journey of discovery and advancement!

The II ERCIM and the I FIERCI aim to consolidate academic and scientific collaboration and propose to create a comprehensive and multidisciplinary forum to foster ongoing dialogue on good editorial practices that contribute to enhancing the quality of publications in the field.

With carefully crafted programming, the II ERCIM and the I FIERCI offer lectures, workshops, presentation of papers to be published, and networking opportunities to ensure a comprehensive experience. They will provide 2 (two) conferences (opening and closing), 9 (nine) lectures, and 5 (five) roundtable discussions with renowned scientific editors and researchers presenting topics related to good editorial practices, current publication policies, and innovative dissemination strategies.